Wednesday, September 12, 2007

New friends

Yesterday was a day filled with new friends. First came Winston. A weiner dog pup who when I met him briefly a few weeks ago, was scared of his own shadow. Yesterday he was hanging out with the big kids in the "rough and tumble" room. He played with them all - big and small.

Then came Fergus. He can jump a 6 foot fence in about 2.2 seconds. Needless to say, we kept a very close eye on him outside. Thankfully, he was having a good time and didn't seem to want to leave all his furry friends behind. If you can believe it, this handsome guy was rescued a year ago and he was so malnourished that his fur had lost all its pigment. He sure has come a long way.

Then came Pipit and Tinbie, two flat coat retrievers. Unfortunately I have no pictures of them to share with you. Nothing I took would have compared to the beautiful pictures you can find of them, and their siblings, on their parents' websites - here and here.

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