Thursday, March 27, 2008


I think I've mentioned this before but one of the best things about working at the daycare is watching the shy, uncertain dogs become confident playful dogs. Legend started coming about once or twice a week just a few weeks ago. For his first few visits, his owners literally had to drag him through the door and we would have to drag him to the back of the daycare. And when I mean drag, I don't just mean pull, I mean he was lying down and we pulled him along the floor. Once he got back with the dogs he was a little timid but not petrified. He started with the smaller and calmer dogs and gradually moved "up" to the bigger more active dogs. In his last few visits, he started to play bow and chase some of the dogs and yesterday, for the first time, he walked in the door full of confidence and was eager to come into the daycare! Now that he has gotten his sea legs, he has a lot of fun. With some dogs, it just takes a little patience and time.

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