Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Happy Birthday Chewy!

We don't actually know when Chewy's birthday is, but Tara wanted to make her a cake, so we have officially declared March 11 to be Chewy's Birthday. Today she is two years old.

Warning: The pictures you are about to see are a little graphic and disturbing. Don't say I didn't warn you.

This is Chewy's Birthday Cake.

This is Jolene eating the birthday cake. The rest of us were waiting for the thumbs up before we had a scoop.


miradukesadie said...

What the heck? That's disgusting!!! What kind of cake is that???

manymuddypaws said...

haha it is a litter box cake! and was actually very tasty...the "poop" looking stuff was tootsie roll, and the rest of the cake was a combination of white and chocolate cake mix with cookie crumbs...yummy eh?