It never fails, a "new" person arriving for work gets the dogs all excited. They run around, jump up and down, bring toys and if they are little enough, they might even get picked up for cuddles.Perkins always insists that Jolene pick him up first so he can slather her in kisses. Below, you can see Amber not-so-patiently waiting for her turn to be picked up.
Friday, May 30, 2008
Fetching Mania
Some dogs love to wrestle and play, other dogs love to fetch and will only wrestle and play when we refuse to throw the ball. Tucker, Kinsey and Coulee are all examples of dogs that would rather play fetch above all other activities. If we threw the toy for 11 hours, they would fetch the toy for 11 hours.
Tucker standing close to make sure I don't forget. Coulee's strategy is to stand where she thinks I'm going to throw it so she gets there first.
Vito thinks fetching is a spectator sport. He has the best seat in the house - my lap!
Thursday, May 29, 2008
The pool seems to be providing endless hours of entertainment for both the dogs and us.
You probably don't recognize him without his head showing, but this is Yankee - the little rescue pup from the Prairie Dog Canine Rescue. The good news is, he is going to his new home on Saturday. The bad news is, we are going to miss him! Speaking of the rescue...we are going to have their rescue T-shirts for sale at the daycare for $25. 100% of the proceeds ($10 per shirt) will go to the Rescue to help them with their vet bills.

A few Pictures
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Look Alike
We had a new black lab come yesterday...Cash. He is very cute, very active and a whole lot of fun. There is just one "problem". He looks like Maggie Mae and to complicate things even further, he wears the same colour collar as her. When a fast moving black lab flys by, we are hard pressed to tell who it is. Maybe we'll have to get them name tags.
Maggie Mae
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Miss Molly
I first met Molly when I was walking dogs. She is very sweet and very stubborn! She lets you know when she doesn't want to go in the direction you were planning on heading by sitting down and refusing to move. Eventually we managed to work out an agreement so that we were both happy - she led the way sometimes, I led the way other times.
That just left one frustration - I was never able to get a decent picture of her! Even when she started coming to the daycare 2-3 times a week, we still couldn't manage a good picture of her. Until FINALLY! A picture I quite like of Molly. It only took a couple of years.
Monday, May 26, 2008
Friday, May 23, 2008
First in Canada!

Well you don't get to say that everyday! We are going to be the first in Canada to sell cards from Sincerely Fido. How exciting is that! They are really cute and humorous cards that I stumbled across the other day. They are a fairly new company (hence why we are first in Canada) and I think they are almost more excited than we are (which is saying something!).

I should probably mention that they aren't here yet...we just ordered them today. I just couldn't wait to spread the news.
Images are from Sincerly Fido
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Wet Dogs!
Wow. It is a good thing we don't get a lot of rain here. We had lots of wet and muddy dogs today. Amanda had to give 5 of them a bath because they were way, way too dirty to send home. We should have taken some pictures of them but unfortunately we were too busy at the end of the day. Coco was almost unrecognizable under all the mud. I did manage to get a picture of a bunch of them hovering at the door to the outside. When they saw the rain, they put on the breaks. You can see Sheba (doberman) and Bosco (Burnese cross) trying to get back in. Kalo (boxer) has decided the view is just fine where he is standing... he didn't really need to pee.
Party Time
Click on image to see full size.
We can't believe it, but Paws on the Run will officially be 1 year old on Sunday, June 15! This year has just flown by and the changes we've experienced have been tremendous. Amanda and I love to think back to the "old days" when there were just 8 dogs at daycare and 4 of them were ours! How quickly that changed.
So to celebrate, we are going to throw a party for both you and your dog(s). We are going to have a FREE indoor dog park (both you and your dog can hang out and play) and a BBQ. All the proceeds from the BBQ will be donated to our favourite rescue - the Prairie Dog Canine Rescue. So you aren't tackled for your burger, while you eat, we will supervise your dog(s). And if you need even more incentive to come, there will even be a door prize of toys, treats and more.
You don't need to be a client to come, everyone one is welcome. But in order for your dog to celebrate with us, you'll need to make sure they have their Bordetella, Parvo and Rabies vaccinations. All dog owners will need to agree to our indoor dog park "rules".
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
They're Coming!
Wow! We had no idea how much all of you would really like the toys from West Paw Design. We only have three Hucks left. The good news is, we have more on the way - Hucks, Hurleys, Ziscs and...their new product Tux has finally been shipped. We hope to see them at the daycare by early next week. We'll keep you posted.
We are happy to say they are STILL holding up in the daycare after about a month! The only damage has been to the Zisc (frisbee) and it has a small hole that amazingly hasn't expanded...yet.
Splish Spash
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Friday, May 16, 2008
Favourite Photo
Pool Party
After much encouragement from Amanda, I went out and got a pool yesterday. Last summer, the dogs played in the tub (it is actually a water trough for livestock) before we had it installed and they had a blast - the retrievers especially. I'm skeptical about how long the kiddy pool will last but the dogs will have fun while it does.
True to form, the retrievers had a lot of fun in the pool but the surprise pool hog was Harley. He couldn't get enough. He would jump in, splash around, jump out and then repeat.
Thursday, May 15, 2008
No Bark
"No Bark" is probably the two words we say the most during the day. Some dogs bark while playing, some bark at people passing by and some bark just for the sake of barking. If we can't stop them from barking just by asking them to, we bring out the big guns...The Waterbottle.
For some dogs just the sight of the water bottle is enough to make them be quiet. For others, they need to be sprayed a few times to be reminded of what it can do. And then there are the dogs like Oreo...who LOVE the waterbottle.
It doesn't work very well as an anti-bark tool on Oreo...although it does distract him for a bit.
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Taylor Made
Taylor is a very cute little pup (her last picture on the blog wasn't her most flattering!) that has just recently started coming to daycare. She reminds us a lot of little Ruby. Not only do they look similar (although Taylor is about 10 times bigger!), they have the same sasssy and friendly personality...oh yeah, and they both have pretty high pitched barks!
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Monday, May 12, 2008
Thursday, May 8, 2008
Make it Stop!
Warning: Objects May Be Closer Than They Appear
So I had another photography class last night and I learned (among other things) that a wide angle lens will make close objects appear closer, and far objects appear farther. So I decided to practice on Atlas, the dog with the biggest nose. :)
Don't mind the drool...he had a drink in the middle of our photo shoot.